Rockzine Ngwa, FNP-BC

The Provider

Rockzine Ngwa, FNP-BC is a seasoned Family Nurse Practitioner with over seven years in Family Medicine. Her practice draws inspiration from an over 24-year wealth of experience in the medical field with an MSc in Nursing from Cedarville University and a BSc in Nursing from Thomas More University.

Rockzine specializes in the care of patients aged 18 to 55. Her proficient and compassionate approach to healthcare knows no bounds. She painstakingly ensures that each patient receives individualized attention with a meticulously tailored treatment plan.

Outside her profession, Rockzine is a committed wife and mother to 4 adult children – a privilege that has exposed her to a broad firsthand understanding of the challenges inherent in balancing personal well-being with life’s demands. Recognizing the critical importance of self-care, her practice includes and highlights comprehensive weight loss plans tailored to the unique needs and lifestyles of both men and women.

Her practice prioritizes personalized care – offering custom weight loss solutions that address specific goals and circumstances. With Rockzine at the helm, you can count on unwavering support and guidance as you embark on your journey toward improved health and vitality.


Contact Eberi Weight Loss and Wellness Center today at 513-633-0676 to begin your path to improved health and well-being. At Eberi Weight Loss and Wellness Center, we’re more than just addressing symptoms; we’re changing lives.