Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQ

Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQ2024-06-20T01:01:58-04:00


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Is it possible to deal with menopause without hormone replacement therapy?2024-06-20T00:57:23-04:00

It is possible if you have very minimal or close to no menopausal symptoms. Some menopausal symptoms can be managed by lifestyle changes and supplements. It is recommended to start hormone replacement therapy if you have mild to severe symptoms. Even if you do not have symptoms, hormones can help with long-term benefits.

How long can I be on hormones?2024-06-20T00:56:26-04:00

For bioidentical hormones, you can bet on it for life. You do not need to wean off from it like synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormones have long term benefits like the prevention of breast cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, decreasing cholesterol, and more!

What are the side effects of hormone replacement therapy?2024-06-20T00:55:37-04:00

There may be side effects with any type of medication. With hormone replacement therapy, some possible side effects that may occur are breast tenderness/soreness/swelling, moodiness when initially starting, bloating, pelvic cramping, possible irregular menses or post-menopausal bleeding, tiredness/grogginess, acid reflux, or upset stomach. Usually, the side effects are temporary if you do have them, but we do calculate your hormone dose in a conservative manner where you will feel the positive effects before any negative effects.

Are there any contraindications to hormone replacement therapy?2024-06-20T00:54:16-04:00

Unfortunately, if you currently are diagnosed or in the treatment process for ovarian, breast, uterine, cervical, or thyroid cancer, you will not be able to start hormone replacement therapy. If you have been diagnosed with any of these cancers in the past, you may be able to start hormone replacement therapy with the clearance from your oncologist. It is also contraindicated if you are currently pregnant or trying to conceive.

Is hormone replacement therapy safe?2024-06-20T00:53:31-04:00

Yes, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is SAFE. It is natural and does not mimic the hormones in your body, it has the same molecular structure. It will not cause breast cancer, and it is protective against breast and colon cancer.

What should my hormone levels be at?2024-06-20T00:52:37-04:00

We typically do not like to focus on numbers because that means we are putting you in the same box as everyone else. Not everyone needs to be at a certain level, every person metabolizes differently. Some women need more hormones than others, and some will need less. We are looking for a trend in your levels and symptom relief.

Which hormones are tested in hormone replacement therapy?2024-06-20T00:51:52-04:00

Labs will be ordered to check your estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone, thyroid function levels, DHEA, SHBG, prolactin, and CBC. A recent mammogram that is up to date is recommended. If you have recent hormonal labs from your PCP or GYN, we can use that as well.

What is hormone replacement therapy?2024-06-20T00:50:43-04:00

Hormone replacement therapy replaces the hormones you are lacking and optimizes your levels so that most of your menopausal symptoms are relieved.

What hormonal changes causes menopause?2024-06-20T00:50:03-04:00

When you get closer to menopause, your ovaries start to dysfunction, and then they completely shut down when you go into full menopause. Your estradiol levels begin to decrease close to zero and so do your progesterone levels. As you age, your thyroid glands also begin to become underactive and dysfunctional but cannot be diagnosed as a thyroid disorder because your thyroid levels may still be within the normal range.

What are the common symptoms of menopause?2024-06-20T00:48:33-04:00

Some of the common symptoms of menopause are dry/itchy eyes, dry/itchy skin, thinning skin/more wrinkles, thinning hair, brain fog, lack of focus, memory loss, sleep disturbances, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, depression, migraine headaches, hot flashes, night sweats, temperature intolerance, coldness, sore breasts, palpitations, muscle and joint aches and pains, inflammation, bloating, irregular periods, weight gain, fluid retention, decreased metabolism, fatigue, less energy, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido.

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